
We acknowledge there is much to be done on climate change and we’re ready to do our part. As a baseline, we collect and will post excerpts of PEACH and PEAR reports for all LRP productions. But we aim to do more.

From the writers’room to post-production, our goal is to develop storylines and characters who model climate consciousness; to build a culture of reusing, recycling and composting; to purchase sustainably harvested materials, organic and fair trade products, LED lighting and only use biodiesel generators on location.

In the Fall of 2021, we will socialize sustainable production practices for every future set, advocate for each unit’s uptake of focused and specific steps to reduce our footprint and support local grassroots efforts on climate action and justice wherever production takes place.

These are our commitments to climate mitigation and action.

"At this point in time,
environmental sustainability
should be important to all of us."

Patrick Macmanus
Executive Producer and Showrunner
of The Girl From Plainville and Dr. Death.

